Why you should attend
Receive feedback on your work in a friendly and critical-constructive atmosphere.
Submit contributions at different stages of your work seeking feedback on your plans or your results.
You do not have to waive any (copy) rights whatsoever with regard to the work you submit.
Try to win one of the three potential prices.
Enjoy interesting keynotes and targeted workshops for your needs.
Join the AIEST Research Seminar and get insights for publishing with top international scientific journals.
Visit Paris and its sites.
Download the master copy for your submission.
We are looking forward to your contributions to be sent to info@aiest.org.
- Stream of Discussion 1: Designing tourism systems for a sustainable future.
- Stream of Discussion 2: Human and Machine Relations in Tourism.
- Stream of Discussion 3: AIEST's Advances in Tourism Research: Perspectives of Actors, Institutions and Systems.
Participants from different scientific disciplines and tourism related industries are invited to contribute to the following major sub-streams of discussions:
- Actors behaviour, focusing on behavioural issues of consumers, management, politicians, etc;
- Institutional settings, focusing on topics such as entrepreneurship and innovation, cooperation and strategic alliances, ITC and productivity led-growth, structural change in leading tourism relevant industries, etc;
- Systemic perspective, focusing on topics such as the analysis of the market forces, marketing management of destinations, tourism promotion and policies, management of tourism related resources, sustainable development in tourism, regulation and governance of places, etc.
- Other, consisting of contributions that cannot be classified as above.
Host: Claude Origet du Cluzeau, Laurent Queige, Patrick Viceriat, Sophie Lacour
Venue: Novotel Paris Centre Bercy, 85 Rue de Bercy, 75012 Paris
Aiest Research Exchange on August 24, 2025
As we try to set up a peer panel according to the type and disciplinary approach of your submission, we need your contribution by April 30, 2025.
Please submit to:
Judit Sulyok, PhD AIEST Director of Conferences, sulyok.judit@gtk.uni-pannon.hu
Framework and important preliminary information
The cost of the seminar is free, provided you attend the AIEST conference – (see separate call)
In 2025, AIEST launches a new initiative: The Research Exchange aims at fostering cooperation between members, and providing mentorship for academics regarding their activities, including conducting high-quality research, developing research methodology, publishing results in highly ranked journals, and enhancing the societal impact of tourism research.
On 24th August 2025 (from 12am until 5pm) the AIEST Research Exchange will take place. It provides you with insights on how to prepare a paper for publication in top international scientific journals. Present your research endeavour and discuss it with leading academics in the field.
The seminar is open and free for anyone wishing to attend, provided you attend the AIEST conference. If you want a in-depth discussion of your work progress, this is the place to be.
The Research Exchange has the following main elements:
- Design and Methods Clinic: It includes short keynote presentations about the current situation and advancements of tourism research designs and methodologies (e.g. questionnaire development, experimental design, scale development etc.). After those presentations, participants are provided with the opportunity to discuss in detail their own challenges and questions regarding their research design and methods, in the format of short, pitch-style contributions (5 minutes each, max. 8 contributions). The workshop is facilitated by advanced tourism scholars who are experts in certain domains.
- (Project) Ideas Pitch Forum: This part of the event includes pitch-type presentations of participants (5 minutes each, max. 8 contributions). The main goal is to get feedback on the project, to help improve it, and to find partners regarding conducting common research activity, applying for research funds and establishing new project cooperation, or any other relevant activities regarding developing tourism research. The general attractiveness of projects can also be checked here. This part of the event is also facilitated by advanced tourism scholars.
- Research Speed Dating: During this session, participants have the opportunity to contact each other on a one-to-one basis, 5 minutes per talk is dedicated. It is a facilitated, informal social activity with the objective of encouraging tourism professionals to network with others and unveil potential cooperation fields.
Full registration (starting April 2024)
AIEST member: 600 EUR Early bird until Mai 31, 2024, 700 EUR (June 1 - August 11, 2024)
AIEST non-member: 800 EUR Early bird until Mai 31, 2024, 900 EUR (June 1 - August 11, 2024)
The full conference package includes within the time frame of the conference:
- Entrance to all working sessions during the whole period of the conference
- Conference materials
- Welcome Reception on Sunday
- Coffee breaks from Monday to Wednesday
- Lunches from Monday to Wednesday
- Dinners from Monday to Wednesday
- Technical excursion including transportation and activities
Not included: Accommodation, any other food and beverages, Airport transfer and any other transportation costs (apart the explicitly mentioned), any personal expenses.
Winners of the awards at the AIEST Conference 2024 in Bolzano/Bozen, Italy
The BEST CONTRIBUTION AWARD for the overall best contribution goes to Danyelle Greene, Anna Zinn, Yash Panday, Marius Portmann, Bettina Grün, and Sara Dolnicar for their contribution
"Anthropomorphism – A light-hearted way to trigger environmentally sustainable tourist behavior?".
1st and 2nd runner ups are (respectively):
- Pietro Beritelli, Florian Gasser, and Zeinab Seifpour for their contribution "Choice heuristics for visiting cultural sites: A comparative study with two polar cases."
- Meike Jungnickel and Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider for their contribution "The ski resort closes: what de-growth feels like? A case study from lower Austria."
The PETER KELLER AWARD for the best contribution uniting theory and practice goes to Danyelle Greene, Anna Zinn, Yash Panday, Marius Portmann, Bettina Grün, and Sara Dolnicar for their contribution "Anthropomorphism – A light-hearted way to trigger environmentally sustainable tourist behavior?".
1st and 2nd runner ups are (respectively):
- Pietro Beritelli, Florian Gasser, and Zeinab Seifpour for their contribution "Choice heuristics for visiting cultural sites: A comparative study with two polar cases."
- Jürg Stettler and Melanie Wyss for their contribution "Sustainability communication of a marketing hotel cooperation: The case of Private Selection Hotels & Tours (PSH&T)."
The AIEST PHD AWARD for the best academic contribution of a PhD candidate goes to Alessandra Pozzan, Nele Langebraun, and Michael Gibbert for their contribution "Polyphonic case studies: the emergence of a dialogical methodology in tourism research".
1st and 2nd runner ups are (respectively):
- Meike Jungnickel and Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider for their contribution "The ski resort closes: what de-growth feels like? A case study from lower Austria."
- Tereza Kubalova and Petr Stumpf for their contribution "Exploring visitor satisfaction in a cultural heritage tourism destination: the role of tangible and intangible satisfiers."
Have a look at the abstract book here.